Friday, March 9, 2012

When Do You Retire?

Trying to decide when to retire? Often it takes a life changing event to help push in the right direction.  Instead of just waiting for life's little surprises, careful planning and persistence can lead you to the answers.  Oh no! Did I just sound like our mothers? Yep, it happens.

There is so much information on the web!

IRS is a great place to start.  Did you know if you are under 59 1/2 your retirement plan will be taxed an additionally? Taking even more precious dollars that will get you to France for some fun?
Tax Information for Retirement Plans Community

Other sites I found helpful:
The Ten Biggest Sources of Retirement Income

Retire Happy Wild and Free

AARP Retirement Survival
My blog is never complete without a reminder of your dreams and what you want to retire to - what makes it all worthwhile?  Of course, those gorgeous Grandbabies and....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Great Escape to France

The Great Escape

Just Me and Paris

I am 56 years old, turning over the school I created to the "younger ones", divorcing my husband and just plain running scared.  So what do I do? Set off on my own for France! Here is how it all started.

It all started when I found a website for a writer's retreat in Paris.  That sounded good to me, a week in Paris, and quite possibly I could find out if my writing was worthy of pursing putting my story into words.

Somewhere between deciding to go and starting the plans for the trip, my marriage fell apart.  The trip we were going to share became one I was going to take on my own.